Lessons learned FROM hollywood
1) Reality shows are way worse than you think.
2) Dumb ideas can set you free.
I worked on Workaholics, The Eric Andre Show, Jackass, and a million other TV shows and movies. I even sold one of my own.
By the way, if you've heard of any of these shows, we'll get along. If you like any of these then you might need a therapist.
I'm a senior copywriter at The Martin Agency now.
I try to sell movie-like ads to clients.
Sometimes I actually do. ​
Three things you should know:
After turning 30, I started crying a lot more.
The worst day of my life was running marathon after eating Pad Thai.​​​​
I own an NFT and I have absolutely no idea how to access it.
This is an actual photo of me.
Wow. You made it to the end. You've read my entire website. You can scroll back up now.
Seriously. Stop. There's nothing else to see.
I'm not saying it again.
Alright, fine. Fuck it.